How to Avoid Burnout in the Workplace

  • 13 min read

It is no secret that the modern workplace can be stressful, and with an increasing amount of pressure to succeed, many of us often find ourselves burnt out.

Whether you're working long hours, dealing with difficult colleagues, or you have a lot riding on your shoulders, it's essential to take care of yourself and avoid burnout. Luckily there are a few simple strategies you can employ to manage stress levels and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

In this post, we'll be talking about how to avoid burnout in the workplace with tips and tricks that are easy to implement and will help you maintain your sanity and productivity.

Career burnout and business burn out as an overworked burnt from exhaustion as a match icon of an employee

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a psychological term that refers to the experience of chronic stress in the workplace, feelings of exhaustion, and a lack of engagement with your job.

According to the World Health Organization, burnout is characterized by three symptoms: exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced efficacy. Individuals suffering from burnout become detached from their work, develop negative attitudes towards their colleagues, and may feel critical of colleagues who aren't as hardworking as they are.

Burnout can affect people in many ways. It can lead to memory problems, a lack of focus, and vulnerability to illness. In addition, people who suffer from burnout at work may see it impact their personal relationships at home.

Burnout also can impact an individual's future job prospects as employees who experience burnout struggle to contribute to their workplace difficulties or lose confidence in their skills, making career advancement possibilities less likely.

What Are the Warning Signs of Burnout?

In a society that values productivity and success above everything else, it's not uncommon for employees to experience burnout.

It's a problem that affects people in all industries, from entry-level staffers to C-suite executives. Burnout can be incredibly difficult to overcome, but the first step is recognizing the signs before it's too late.

So what are the symptoms of burnout - and what kinds of problems does workplace burnout create?

Emotional Exhaustion

One of the most common signs of burnout is emotional exhaustion. People experiencing burnout often feel emotionally drained, disconnected, and cynical about their jobs. They may struggle to get out of bed in the morning, lack motivation, and feel like they're just going through the motions at work.

Emotional exhaustion can have a ripple effect on other aspects of a person's life, including relationships and overall happiness.

Poor Physical Health

Burnout can also have physical symptoms. People experiencing burnout often report feeling tired, run-down, and sick. They may experience headaches, back pain, or other physical ailments.

Moreover, research shows that prolonged stress can weaken the immune system, making people more susceptible to illness.


Burnout can lead to absenteeism in the workplace. People may call in sick more often or struggle to make it into work at all. This can create problems for their colleagues and managers, as workloads increase when someone is absent.

Impaired Decision-Making Skills

People experiencing burnout may have decreased cognitive function, including impaired decision-making skills. They may find it difficult to concentrate on tasks, make decisions, or find creative solutions to problems. This can lead to poor job performance and further stress.

Poor Employee Engagement

Burnout can also affect employee engagement. When people feel stressed and overwhelmed, they're less likely to feel invested in their jobs and may become disengaged from their work. This can lead to decreased productivity, job dissatisfaction, and even a toxic work environment.

Employee Turnover

If burnout goes unchecked, it can lead to increased employee turnover as people seek jobs that are less stressful and demanding. High turnover rates can be costly for businesses and result in a loss of valuable talent.

Depression on a Day-to-Day Basis

Burnout can also lead to depression. People may feel hopeless and helpless and struggle to find meaning in their work and their lives. This can have serious consequences for a person's mental health and overall well-being.

Home Life Negatively Affected

Finally, burnout can have a negative impact on a person's home life. People may bring the stress and unhappiness from work home with them, leading to strained relationships and a decreased quality of life.

What Puts You More at Risk of Burnout?

Next, let’s explore the causes of burnout. After all, understanding and addressing employee burnout is much easier once we know what’s behind it.

Heavy Workloads, Long Hours, and Extensive Stressors

One of the leading causes of burnout is having a heavy workload coupled with long hours. When you have more work than you can handle or deadlines that are too tight, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and eventually burn out.

People who work more than 8 hours a day and those who work long hours regularly are at a higher risk of experiencing burnout. Therefore, it's essential to manage your workload and delegate tasks to others to avoid burnout.

Poor Time Management

Another factor that influences burnout is poor time management. If you're always running behind schedule, missing deadlines, or failing to complete tasks, you're bound to become overwhelmed, stressed, and eventually burnt out.

To avoid this, you need to keep track of your schedule and prioritize your tasks properly. This way, you'll give every task the attention it requires, minimize the stress, and prevent burnout.

Unwelcoming Work Environment

Your work environment can significantly affect your mental state and productivity. If your workplace is unwelcoming, disorganized, or lacks essential resources, it's easy to become overwhelmed, frustrated, and eventually burnt out.

What's more, if your colleagues or supervisors are unsupportive or hostile, your mental and emotional wellbeing suffers.

Long Commuting Requirements

If you spend long hours commuting to and from work, this can also contribute to burnout. In many cases, commuting is stressful, especially if you're stuck in traffic or public transport for hours.

Consequently, your energy levels drop, and you become less productive and more prone to burnout. To prevent this, consider finding solutions such as carpooling, working remotely, or adjusting your work schedule to minimize commuting time.

Poor Manager Support

Your manager or supervisor is critical to your work experience. If they're unsupportive, create unnecessary barriers to your work, or show a lack of appreciation, it can lead to burnout. As research indicates, employees feel more motivated and productive if they receive proper support and recognition from their managers.

How to Not Get Burned Out at Work

Want to learn about how to not burn out at work? Here are some tips you can stay on fire on the job - and to ensure that you don’t burn out instead.

Control Your Workload

The feeling of being overworked can lead to burnout. The key is to control your workload. Make a list of your tasks, prioritize them, and set realistic deadlines. Learn to say no to tasks that are not within your capacity, if possible.

If you feel like you’re getting overwhelmed, take a break and go for a walk or practice deep breathing exercises to clear your mind. Remember, working smart is better than working hard.

Find a Community

Having people in your workplace to talk to and connect with can prevent you from feeling isolated and stressed. Find a community in your workplace, whether it’s joining a committee, participating in a company event, or taking a lunch break with colleagues. Having these connections can give you a sense of belonging and support, especially during difficult times.

Seek Work-Life Balance

It’s essential to find a balance between work and life outside of it. Make sure to take time for yourself outside of work, pursuing hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or simply relaxing.

Try setting boundaries, such as not checking work emails during non-work hours. Disconnecting from work can help you recharge and prevent burnout.

Find a Sense of Purpose

Having a sense of purpose can give you motivation and direction. Finding the meaning behind your work can help you connect with it on a deeper level.

Try reflecting on the impact your work has and how it aligns with your values. If you’re struggling to find a purpose in your role, don’t be afraid to speak with your manager about options that align with your goals.

Do a Check In With Your Team Members and Employer

One of the main causes of burnout is a lack of support at work. Ensure that you're working in a healthy environment by doing a check-in with your team members and employer. Discuss any issues you may have, ask for feedback, and make sure you're all on the same page in terms of expectations. Communication is key in preventing burnout in the workspace.

Woman holding plate with vegan or vegetarian food healthy diet

Consider Your Diet

Your diet can affect your physical and mental health. It's important to eat a balanced diet with foods that offer sustained energy and focus. You should aim to consume whole foods that are packed with nutrients and avoid high calorie, processed foods which leave you feeling sluggish.

Take care of your brain health, too, by incorporating a daily exercise routine, taking regular breaks and challenging yourself to learn new things.

Another great way to stimulate your brain is by taking NZT-48 the Limitless Pill. It's a high-quality brain supplement that can enhance cognitive performance, increase attention, and improve memory.

Address Your Work Schedules

Work schedules that are too rigid or leave no room for flexibility, can often lead to burnout. Speak to your supervisor or employer if you feel like your work schedule is becoming difficult to maintain and try to create a more balanced routine.

Try alternating between high and low energy tasks, and scheduling breaks throughout the day.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is important for your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Take time for yourself and pursue hobbies, exercise, or leisure activities that make you feel happy and relaxed.

When you have taken care of yourself physically and mentally, you are better able to manage job-related stress and pressures.

Take That Vacation Time

Step away from work and take vacations regularly. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, but taking time away is important to recharge your batteries and return to work refreshed and energized.

Don’t Do Work at Home

It’s tempting to bring work home with you, but it’s important to set boundaries and separate your work life from your personal life. Doing work at home can blur those lines and prevent you from decompressing and relaxing after a workday. Instead, try to leave work at the office and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment when you’re off the clock.

Build Stress Management Skills

Stressful situations are bound to come up at work, but it’s how we handle those situations that can make all the difference. Building solid stress management skills can help us feel more in control when difficult situations arise. Some stress-management techniques include deep breathing, meditation, yoga, exercise, and mindfulness. Find what works best for you and make it a regular part of your routine.

Seek Healthcare

If you’re feeling burnt out and struggling to cope with work-related stress, seeking healthcare can be a helpful step. A mental health professional, like a counselor or therapist, can help you develop coping mechanisms and offer support as you work through your feelings.

And if you’re experiencing physical symptoms that may be related to stress, like headaches or stomach issues, make an appointment with your doctor to ensure there are no underlying medical concerns.

How to Get Out of Burnout at Work

The first step to overcoming burnout is to identify what's causing it. You can start by reflecting on your emotions and observing the patterns of your feelings at work.

Are you handling too many tasks at once? Are you feeling undervalued, underappreciated or unsupported? Are you experiencing conflict with coworkers? Once you identify the root cause of your burnout, you can seek solutions that will help you tackle the issue head-on.

Sometimes, we get so busy and absorbed in our work that we forget our passions and the things that give our lives meaning. It's important to take time off work to reconnect with yourself.

Engage in activities that give you joy or help you unwind. Take a vacation, read a book, watch a movie or hike in nature. When you carve out time to do things that excite you, you’ll begin to remember why you chose your career path and reignite your passion for work.

To overcome burnout, you need to set achievable goals and celebrate even small successes. When you set realistic goals, it helps create a sense of progress and accomplishment that can enhance your confidence and motivation. Even small daily accomplishments can give you the motivation to keep pushing forward and sustain your grit.

Take a Supplement to Improve Mental Focus

Burnout can be a common problem in today's fast-paced work environment. However, taking the time to invest in yourself and your wellbeing can help you avoid burnout.

Take the first step and try out some of these tips, and you'll quickly notice how much happier and productive you are in your work-life. And if you’re curious about one of the best tips for how to avoid burnout in the workplace?

Try a supplement. The key to maintaining focus, energy, and productivity in the workplace is taking care of our mental health, and often, a nootropic supplement can help fill in some gaps.

NZT-48 the Limitless Pill is one such supplement. It contains key ingredients like huperzine A, ginkgo biloba, alpha GPC, and theobromine that can help you avoid burnout - and reverse that emotional exhaustion should it rear its ugly head. Why not give it a shot today?